Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Applesauce

I had two applesauce days. The first one I did on my own with a little help from my husband. He liked setting up the apple-peeler/corer, and peeling/coring a small sample of apples for me, and after that it was pure charity. Not so interesting - boring, and tedious. I believe the comment was something like, "isn't this a lot of work to do for APPLESAUCE?" But I was grateful for the help. :-)

My second applesauce day was this last Friday. Mom and Grandma helped me that day, and wow! What a difference! They did all the peeling and coring and that was such a blessing!

All together (both days), I (we) did two bushels of apples. Unfortunately, one of the batches (about 3 quarts worth) burned as I was first cooking the raw apples. No one else could taste the burnt flavor after it was sauced, but I sure could. Yuck. Maybe they were just being nice. But my kids and husband are eating it, so...oh well. I didn't can that batch. I just put it in bags and froze it. So aside from that batch, I got 12 quarts, and 16 1-1/2 pints.

It's definitely a lot of work. It may not even be all that much cheaper, especially when you consider the labor involved. But the taste of this applesauce is so much better than anything we could ever buy at the store. It's nice to have the pantry stocked for the winter with at least a few things.

Now if we could just get our chickens to start producing those scrumptious eggs again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many things I do in the kitchen are "alot of work isn't it" but the taste and health benefits keep me going. I'm sure many of the things are not cheaper.....keep on peeling!

9:13 PM  

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