Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Monday, September 19, 2005

After a Long Absence

I know I know, long time no blogs. Something's wrong with my computer, or with Blogger. Maybe both, who knows. I don't even know how I happened to get logged on correctly today. Hopefully all this typing won't be for naught.

Here's an update:
We've finished our second week of school. So far, so good. But I still don't have a Master Schedule in place. Generally we're going from about 10-1:30 (with numerous breaks, of course), and then from about 3-4:30. I'm thinking that this is still a bit much for first grade, so I'll probably scale back quite a bit. Particularly in math. We're doing fine in math, and I'm thinking that 2 lessons per week is plenty (right now we're doing 4).

My husband has two weeks of vacation this week and next, and so we're going to try to do one week's worth of school over 2 weeks' time. It's very nice to look forward to having a week off once a month. It gives me hope that maybe I'll be able to stay caught up on the housework a little better than if we just went gung-ho with school until Christmas.

We're enjoying the new Whole Foods store that opened up in a city near us. My favorite food we've gotten there so far: a raw cow's milk cheese with rosemary in it. Very good on sandwiches (roast beef with horseradish and red onions). Yum.

Our young chickens that just started laying eggs a little over a month ago are now molting, which means no eggs for a while. I'm hoping that by mid-October they'll be back in action. :-)

If you were concerned about our tentacle problem, don't worry. My husband reached up on his tippy toes and took them all (I think) down sometime last week. So I think they were up there only maybe two weeks? or so.

Right now our family is abuzz with excitement. My brother the pilot just passed his instrument rating test. I guess that means he can fly in the dark now. Go bro! Congratulations! Not that he ever reads this. He doesn't even read THE E-MAILS I SEND HIM!!!!! I'm not mad, though. I'm hoping for some free tickets from a major airline someday in the future (someplace tropical, please).


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