Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

School Plans

I have now begun my serious planning for our older son's first grade this fall. I also have a huge list of books to look for when I shop (which will be SOON!). I can't wait for the shopping part. This is the highlight of my life. I love it. The hardest part so far has been coming up with a schedule and realizing HOW BUSY I AM GOING TO BE. Kindergarten was a breeze. First grade is a huge jump in the amount of time you spend in schoolwork. Still not so much that it takes most of THEIR day, but it will almost certainly take most of MINE. Especially since our younger son is about ready to learn to read, so I'll be doing a few kindergarten things with him too.

I decided we wouldn't have a long summer break this year or next year. I think their memory work and math really suffer when you have 3 months off, so I think we're going to try 3 weeks of school and 1 week off throughout the year. That works out to about the same amount of time off. We'll also have one "light" (?) day per week when we go to the library and have art and a piano lesson.


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