Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Terri's Autopsy

Just read the actual autopsy report for Terri Schiavo, as well as this op-ed by Kevin McCollough, which is right on target.


Blogger Toledotastic said...

I think the husband should just be left alone. No one ever proved that he did a thing to Terri. This whole media spectacle was the result of parents incapable of letting go or of realizing that their adult daughter may have had ideas out of step with their own. How many people battling an eating disorder confide in anyone? How many children of strict Catholic parents tell their parents, "Great the way, I'm now in support of euthanasia?"

As for Terri's husband's behavior after her hospitalization, all I have to say is SO WHAT...not everyone can play the role of martyr. In a perfect world or a touching Hollywood film, a husband would see his wife become a vegetable and sit by her side for the rest of her *natural* life. But we live in the real world where human beings are not idealized versions of what they could be. He saw that his wife wouldn't recover - rather than devote his life to keeping vigil, he opted to move on - does that really make him a criminal? It's normal for the spouse's family to keep some sort of vigil but the spousal relationship is different.

Basically, if any woman were to slip into a vegetative state and her husband stood by her side "til death do (you) part"...fine. It's his decision. I wouldn't praise him for it. Nor would I treat him like dirt if he realized that his own life wasn't over.

The only crime I saw in the Terri Schiavo case was turning every aspect of it into a media frenzy.

12:09 AM  

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