Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Animal News

We received our 1/2-lamb this week, and so far we have dined on lamb chops, and also a few "lamburgers". Originially, I thought there was a good chance I wouldn't like it (I'd only ever tried lamb once or twice before), but it was great! It was more expensive than beef or chicken (I think it worked out to $4-and-something per pound), but it won't be that expensive if we raise our own! Maybe someday...

We lost another one of our laying hens this week. That makes two within the last two weeks, which is quite distressing. Now we only have one that is laying eggs - not nearly enough for our family. I guess that is the risk you take when you let chickens just roam around your property unhindered. My husband is thinking of making pens for them that are light-weight so that they can be moved around each day to give them fresh areas of grass to eat. We hope we can get a few more chickens soon, to replace the ones we've lost. We also hope that it won't be too long before our new chicks are old enough to start laying eggs. After eating our own chickens' eggs for a while now, I am having a hard time accepting the fact that I'll have to buy them until our younger chickens start producing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a chicken pen...Do you have a "playyard" left over from the babies? We use ours now for an outdoor bunny run. We just move it around the yard. Do you go barefoot in the yard with the chickens loose? Some of my kids like to and I just have a hard time with the bunny and goat stuff. So far they and the animals are in separate areas.

10:47 PM  
Blogger Amey said...

We do have a pen, which our young chickens stay in most of the time, but once they start laying eggs, we want to make sure they get plenty of grass and bugs to eat (that's how you get the greater level of omega-3's in the eggs). The pen we are using now, though, is a little heavy to move every day. We don't have a play yard.

Usually we make our kids wear shoes (they have those water shoes for summer), but they also usually stay inside the fenced-in back yard (no animals allowed inside the fence).

Did you get a goat?

9:28 AM  

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