Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Food Stuff

Just read an excellent blog at Buried Treasure Books, that covers some of the same things I wrote about a month ago regarding Christian vs. "heathen" environmentalism. The Buried Treasure post talks more about the way we treat animals, but the same principle applies: good stewardship over the earth and its resources is important, no matter how much we feel like distancing ourselves from the new-age, new world order, anti-Christian, animals-are-as-important-as-people environmentalists. I would be interested to check out the books recommended on that blog about factory farms, etc.

Here's another food-related controversy: microwave ovens. Good or bad? My husband and I are thinking about this right now. Hey, I know what you're thinking - "Now they're totally going over the edge...I mean the butter vs. transfats thing was bad enough, but now they're going to dis microwave ovens??? Why don't you just lighten up and have fun." What you don't understand is that this IS how we have fun. It only stresses YOU out, not us. haha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we haven't used our microwave in almost three years to this date! and i used to microwave everything. i quit cold turkey one day after reading something somewhere about the dangers of microwaves...oh, it was probably Saw your mercola've surely seen reference to "price" link...if not check it out. Liked your thoughts on steering clear of new agey stuff, yet still needing to practice good stewardship. i have a story along those lines. we try to buy all organic friend at church had decided to start doing the same for her family. she bought just one organic item (a gallon of milk) to start off with...hubby said "no way, no more, we grew up on regular milk and we're just fine". she told me he thinks this organic stuff is "too radical", but isn't this the way our great grandparents ate? there just wasn't a need to call it organic back then. sorry for the long post.

2:02 AM  

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