Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Update on the Health Nuts

That would be us. OK, so we've had the microwave unplugged for two weeks now and we are still well-fed (with plenty of good, hot food, no less). During the last two weeks I have learned to cook my oatmeal breakfast on the stovetop in an actual PAN (isn't that how Laura Ingalls' Ma did it?), and I've also learned a number of good uses for our ancient toaster oven (been window shopping for toaster ovens over the internet lately, as well). So far so good!

Another recent purchase: The Maker's Diet, by Jordan Rubin. I bought this book at Wal-Mart, so it must be a "fad" book (isn't that all they stock in the book section at Wal-Mart?). Also, it's labeled as a New York Times bestseller. For some reason, I bought the book anyway, and so far (I'm about 1/3 of the way through)it has been worth it. Good stuff so far, and the author even encourages you to let your kids play in the dirt, so we're already ahead! The part I just read listed 27 things you can do if you DON'T want to have good health. Here are a few:

1. Stay out of the sun.
3. Never let them see you sweat (referring to the use of anti-perspirants).
8. Swim in chlorinated pools (chlorine - bad).
11. Get all immunization shots.
13. Expose yourself to electromagnetic energy (microwaves! cell phones, tv's, etc.)

Plenty to discuss with each one of these, and there are more listed in the book (some of which we still do, but maybe shouldn't). In case you can't tell, I'm having a blast with all this health stuff. Once I stopped eating sugar, it was EASY after that. Sugar seems to be the real hurdle with me, I guess. If only it would get me moving in the exercise and housecleaning departments...


Blogger Amey said...

I'll tell you what, Julie, next time we get together, I'll let you guess. harrrrrr. ;-)

11:03 PM  
Blogger Queen of Carrots said...

So what does he think about sunscreen? My mother-in-law is opposed to putting pretty much anything on the skin that she didn't make herself from herbs and organic oils, but I'm a little concerned about how tan my baby looks already.

6:29 AM  
Blogger Amey said...

He doesn't really address sunscreen, other than to lump it together with other various toiletries with chemicals and fragrances in them that aren't good for you. He recommends the books The Safe Shopper's Bible and Diet for a Poisoned Planet for more specifics.

However, I do know that Dr. Mercola would not be concerned about a tan, as long as there are no burns. He recommends gradually increasing the amount of time you spend in the sun in the spring so that you get used to it without burning. Using sunscreen or staying out of the sun altogether can inhibit your body's ability to make vitamin D from the sun's light.

As far as herbs and organic oils go, I think that's great as long as you've done the research and know what you're doing. Of course, just because something is natural doesn't make it good for you (think poison ivy).

10:56 AM  

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