Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Triumph of a Weird Mom

I splurged today at the local farm supply store. I bought a copy of the most recent issue of the magazine Mother Earth News (I'm not much of a magazine reader).

About this magazine (this has nothing to do with my story): as the name implies, it is a very "green" magazine. But I'm beginning to come around to the fact that those "eco-wackos" are not as crazy as I once thought. I'm still not on board with the whole global warming thing, but maybe that will change. Never say never, right?

So I'm sitting outside in my lawn chair, reading my Mother Earth News, watching my boys pick and eat wild strawberries by the handful, when my daughter (2-year-old Beanie Jeanie) notices an illustration in the magazine of a bunch of strawberries sitting next to a small stack of Oreo cookies. Here is what she says (I am not making this up): "Strawberries, Mommy! Look! Strawberries! What's this? (pointing to the Oreos)" SHE HAD NO IDEA WHAT THOSE OREOS WERE. But did I tell her? Absolutely not.

It reminds me of the time when in a brief moment of insanity I took my boys to McDonald's for lunch. Ronald McDonald was there all dressed up in his clown suit. My boys had no idea who he was. I was such a proud mother that my sons did not know who Ronald McDonald was (Ronald McDonald was probably in a state of shock that two young boys were treating him like a perfect stranger). I explained to them about Ronald McDonald before I realized - wait a minute - now they DO know who Ronald McDonald is. So that deflated my "weird-mom-pride-bubble".

Hey, I can't help it. When you've got great kids, you tend to get a little proud sometimes. Just don't come near my daughter with Oreos, UNDERSTAND???


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