Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Q & A

Dear Amey,
What crazy new health trend is underway at your house THIS week?

So glad you asked, dear reader. Here's the latest: organic fruits and vegetables (and other items as well), and LOTS of cooking with garlic. When we happen to be in a location (that would be not anywhere close to our house out in the sticks) where good-looking organic produce is sold, we buy. The more I read about the chemicals they use to treat plants, the more I want to go organic. Right now we have in our home organic bananas, kiwi, milk, carrots, bread, handsoap(!), and garlic. We're also going garlic crazy around here. Chunks of garlic have been discovered in numerous foods lately, aside from Italian meals: chicken pot pie, meatloaf, Mexican meals, etc. Gotta love that garlic! :-)

Dear Amey,
I hate food that tastes bad. Can you give me some healthful treat ideas that actually taste good and that my kids might actually eat?

What a good question! You know, I'd rather eat good food than bad food any old day of the week. Here are some great treats we've tried lately:
-Honey Oatmeal Granola (contains butter, honey, oatmeal, vanilla, pecans, and salt)
-Coconut Date Rolls (ingredients: dates, coconut, and almonds)
-The Switch (soda made of 100% juice, carbonated)
-Fresh fruit, plain

How are your ducks?

Don't ask.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to your Honey Oatmeal granola...I was crushed when I read the part in (I think) "Nourishing Traditions" about oatmeal in granola (meaning unsoaked) not being that good for you...I love my granola and so do the kids. I didn't read it all but since I wasn't really "reading" it, but it has to do with the breakdown of the phytic acids?? Several books now have discussed that...another thing to investigate??

9:55 PM  
Blogger Queen of Carrots said...

One really tasty healthy treat we've discovered lately is fruit popsicles--puree some fruit and plain yogurt (you can do it with just fruit, but the yogurt helps it stay frozen better) and freeze it in popsicle containers. Depending on the fruit a little sweetener might be good, and maybe a spice (nutmeg with peaches). We actually like it better than ice cream.

6:24 AM  
Blogger Amey said...

The popsicles sound good. I don't have a good mold to freeze them in. I wonder what I could use. Do you put sticks in them? We've bought the already made ones at the health-food store that are very good. I like the pina-colada ones.

About the oatmeal: yes, I have read that grains in general are bad for your health, and that it's really best to not eat any grains at all. I don't remember about the phytic acid, but it seems like there is a concern about mold being prevalent in grain and nuts (which also puts the nix on peanut butter), and that is one problem with them.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Queen of Carrots said...

I came across some popsicle molds for $1 each (four slots in a mold) at Kroger. I bought two sets so we'd have enough for several years. :-)

I'm always skeptical about people advocating no grains. It doesn't seem like God would have spoken of bread so much as a good thing if we really weren't supposed to eat it. (Type of bread is another question altogether.) Some people may have specific digestive difficulties that make grain off-limits for them, but I question it as a rule for everybody. Besides, it would be really hard for me to ever get full at a decent price without grains!

6:15 AM  

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