Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Off the Grid Part II

We ran out of water last night. Of course that would be the night our lovely 19-month-old daughter would decide to vomit two times. How insensitive of her. Just kidding, of course. Our poor little girl. She vomitted during the night, but we didn't know it. She didn't cry or anything. Just slept in it for several hours until we checked on her and discovered a mess with no water to clean up with. We went to Grandma's house for a bath this morning. So far today she is doing much better.

My genius husband now has the generator hooked up to the furnace, so no more kerosene heater. Hip hip hooray! Now the furnace, freezer, and refrigerator take turns getting the power.

I saw an electrical bucket truck down the road today in town. We're outside of town, so I don't expect we'll get power yet today, but maybe sometime in the next few days? I certainly hope it's fixed before the next big cold front comes through later this week.

I am amazed at how much water it takes to flush a toilet. It takes almost 2 gallons! We've been using about 4 gallons of water per day for cleaning. This doesn't include baths/showers we've taken away from home. So we need at least 8 gallons per day other than drinking water, just for cleaning and flushing. I've also discovered that eggs cook great on a propane stove top. Those little things work great! I can see why some people won't part with their gas stoves.

I have learned in the last week that it does pay to be prepared for emergencies like this. We were prepared a little, but we could be even better prepared. I just recently read an article on the possible disaster that would be caused by electromagnetic pulse generated from an atomic blast in the air. I know most people think that those who are well-prepared for disasters are nuts, and I admit that most extreme emergency scenarios that these people come up with are not likely to happen, but if something really bad happened, the nuts would be the ones still alive.


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