Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Best Laid Plans...

Over the weekend I revised our homeschool schedule, and Monday we had a great day. Everything went according to schedule, and I was very disciplined with my time. The schedule is mainly for me, not for the children, because I can be hopelessly undisciplined with my time. Yesterday morning I got up early enough to get started with my new schedule, and wouldn't you know it, injury overtook my good intentions. I had taken our Christmas tree apart and it was lying on the bedroom floor, waiting to go back into the box which was up in the attic. As I was walking to the closet I stubbed my big toe on the metal edge of the "trunk" of the tree. Talk about pain! It felt like I had ripped my entire toe off! What a mess. I'm sure you want to hear the details about all the blood dripping everywhere, and 1/3 of my toenail needing to be snipped off, but I'll spare you. I spent over an hour just trying to stop the bleeding, then once it stopped, I was afraid to put any pressure on it at all because I didn't want it to start bleeding again. Needless to say, my schedule was not in force yesterday, nor is it today, as we were up too late again last night, and the children are all still in bed. Tomorrow my dear dear husband has a day off work (he has had 5 days off since Thanksgiving: one was Christmas, 2 were due to the snowstorm, one a Christmas concert, and the last a family dinner), so I doubt we'll have a schedule then. Maybe Friday???


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