Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Life off of the"grid", Part I

Here we are at day 4 of life off of the grid. Wednesday and Thursday morning we had a massive ice storm which destroyed most of our trees and left us without power. This post is actually generator-powered. Our power went out a little after 5 p.m. Wednesday afternoon while I was in the middle of making dinner. It's interesting to see how prepared you are for a natural disaster like this. Fortunately, the roads are not icy, so it is not that big of a deal. We can leave our house when we like.

We didn't lose our chicken and beef in the freezer, due to my husband's big Y2K purchase: a generator in our basement that hadn't yet been taken out of the box. Hurray for Y2K! That would have been a big deal to lose all that food. Right now the generator is running the computer, 2 electric lights, the refrigerator, freezer, and my husband's 90 decibel alarm clock (well, it's probably not really THAT loud, but at 6 in the morning it seems like it is). We have a kerosene heater which is incredibly heating the ENTIRE HOUSE (1976 sq. feet), and a camp stove that runs on propane. The only thing we lack that we really need is running water. I predict that Grandma (who does have power now) will soon get a visit from us so we can fill up our water bottles.

Our poor trees are practically decimated (and that is no exaggeration), but I'm so thankful to the Lord that we are all well and safe. Also thankful to a certain sister's provision of a hot delicious meal and a shower last night! :-)


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