Popcorn: Watch Out!
This was in the news today about microwave popcorn, and I thought I'd leave a link here: Home Microwave Popcorn Cited in Illness. This article refers to the artificial butter flavoring used in microwave popcorn. It is causing a lung disease in factory workers and now it has apparently started causing problems for consumers as well. There are other problems with microwave popcorn such as: teflon coatings on the bags, most of the corn being genetically modified, etc. The best way to make popcorn is in a pan on your stove, or if you make a lot of it (which you shouldn't do if you have problems with your blood sugar levels *ahem*) get one of those hot air popper appliance thing-a-ma-bobbers that we used to see a lot of back in the (what) early 80's? Also, try to find organic popcorn in order to avoid genetically engineered corn (I've also seen some at the farmer's market).