Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wendell Berry, and Election complaints

Just popping in the post a link to an article by Rod Dreher of the Dallas News (also author of a great book, Crunchy Cons). Mr. Dreher says this article could be titled Wendell Berry 101. I really like Wendell Berry, so that's why I'm posting this link.

And now, allow me to complain about this stupid presidential election. What a waste of time, money and energy. Do you realize our nation has been in campaign mode for almost two years? I'm sick of the whole thing, so here is what I propose:

1. Let's have candidates announce their candidacy no sooner than August 1 of election year. Earlier announcements will disqualify the candidate.
2. Candidates may not shirk the duties of their current job while campaigning. Weekend campaigning only.
3. Primaries for all states will be on the same day, sometime at the beginning of September.
4. No party conventions allowed.
5. One debate will be held between the candidates from each party, not just the top two parties. This debate will be moderated by Joe the Plumber or someone chosen randomly from the phonebook, and shall occur no earlier than the beginning of October.
6. CNN shall suspend all operations from August through November.
7. Candidates shall fill out a form answering specific questions so people will know where they stand on specific issues. This will be on paper, not on video, in order to cut down on evasive responses and soundbite/applause-oriented one-liners. The results of this survey shall be published widely in newspapers, on the internet, and in fliers to be made available at each county's board of elections.

OK, how much money would this save? How much time? If the time and money could be devoted to noble causes, what could be accomplished? I suspect we would all be surprised. Thank you, I feel much better now.

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Blogger Bill's Blog said...

Here it is, the election eve and
I am about to do a fast of election
accusations. AND I heard about someone who was thinking about running in 2012! Seriously, too,
all this money that's being used could make such a difference if we used it to pay of national debts!
That's what I suggest. I like your plan!
Love, Mom

6:04 PM  
Blogger Bill's Blog said...

Re: Item # 7

How about "Myra the Moocher" for a moderator?? Good post, Amey. I'm sure all this will happen when pigs fly.


9:51 AM  
Blogger Amey said...

Who is "Myra the Moocher"? I suppose she would be as good as anyone else, whoever she is. Pigs aren't likely to fly anytime soon, but I can dream, can't I?

10:37 AM  

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