Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Popcorn: Watch Out!

This was in the news today about microwave popcorn, and I thought I'd leave a link here: Home Microwave Popcorn Cited in Illness. This article refers to the artificial butter flavoring used in microwave popcorn. It is causing a lung disease in factory workers and now it has apparently started causing problems for consumers as well. There are other problems with microwave popcorn such as: teflon coatings on the bags, most of the corn being genetically modified, etc. The best way to make popcorn is in a pan on your stove, or if you make a lot of it (which you shouldn't do if you have problems with your blood sugar levels *ahem*) get one of those hot air popper appliance thing-a-ma-bobbers that we used to see a lot of back in the (what) early 80's? Also, try to find organic popcorn in order to avoid genetically engineered corn (I've also seen some at the farmer's market).

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahem! I remember the hot air corn popper we got for Christmas one year and we stayed up late playing Stop Thief on New Year's Eve while eating popcorn.

That's bad news for a lot of Americans who eat microwave popcorn all of the time. It hasn't been very healthy.

9:54 PM  
Blogger Amey said...

Those were the good ol' days. Do they still sell those poppers? My kids would probably love one of those (non-toy Christmas idea???). You should have seen them yesterday with a glass of water and two straws (science experiment). Who knew amusing kids could be so easy?

8:11 AM  

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