Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Hooray for Vitamin K!

I just read a great article on Vitamin K2! I can't help it that I am so enthusiastic about health articles like this. It just happens. It sounds like a lot of people in the U.S. are Vitamin K2 deficient. One reason is use of antibiotics. Our digestive tract can actually manufacture K2, but after taking antibiotics, your body loses the ability to make this important vitamin. The more antibiotics you take, the more Vitamin K2 deficiency. Also, some people are genetically prone to having low Vitamin K levels. Along with phosphotase (an enzyme in raw milk), K2 helps your body store calcium in the right places (bones), as opposed to the wrong places (arteries, soft tissues, organs, etc.). Anyone who has taken coumadin or has any kind of calcification issues should read this article: Vitamin K2 Controls Removal of Calcium from Arteries, by Dr. James Howenstine. Here's another good article on this topic. K2 is different from the Vitamin K you usually hear about that comes from leafy green vegetables. Some nutritional sources of Vitamin K2 are: gouda cheese, butter and other fats from grass-fed animals, natto, sauerkraut, and other lacto-fermented vegetables. There are also some recently developed K2 supplements. I think Dr. Mercola carries some in his on-line store, and apparently this Dr. Howenstine has a source for them. Another thing you can do to help K2 deficiency is to get your gut back into good shape if you've ever been on antibiotics (isn't that almost everyone?) - cut out sugar, cut back on grains, eat lots of (sugarless) yogurt and/or kefir, and take a good, high-quality probiotic. This is great information! Let me know if you have any questions. I enjoy finding out about this stuff!

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