Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

No Longer Amateurs

Now that we have a pasture fenced in, you know we're really serious about this animal stuff. This is the real thing. The fence installers came and fenced in something around two acres of our land - all in one day. And it is a great-looking fence, too. They just pounded those big fence posts into the ground with this big pounding machine (sorry to get technical on you). Then sometime in the afternoon while all of this was taking place, I noticed that the e-mail wasn't working. Then a little later on, I noticed the phone wasn't working. All of a sudden it dawned on me: one (or more) of those fence posts was pounded right through our phone line.

It wasn't the fault of the fence people, so we just didn't even bring it up with them. My husband decided to try and figure out where the break was so that he could fix it himself. And if he would have found the break he would have fixed it too. He is just that good. But alas, the phone company had to come out and lay down brand new wire...two weeks later. Yes, we were without phone/internet service for two weeks.

Here is what I learned during my two weeks without the phone, e-mail and internet: life without this technology moves along just like it always did before, only maybe a little bit slower, and definitely more smoothly. I am glad to have the phone back again because of the security it brings in case of an emergency, but the first day we were back "on-line" and the phone rang several times within one hour, I was about ready to take the scissors and cut that phone line again myself. It was really quite pleasant without it.

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