Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

How To Get Skinny

I’m skinny now! Jumpers are my wardrobe staple, so believe it or not, I had no idea I was losing so much weight until I noticed my chores jeans were getting too loose and I went to try on some new ones at the oh-so-fashion-trendy local Tractor Supply Company (aka TSC). I had to keep going out in the store to find the next smaller size to try on until I finally got to the right size. We don’t have a scale here at home but I eventually discovered that I had lost 25 pounds. That doesn’t sound like very much to me, but I guess it made quite a difference.

People who diet to lose weight are probably thinking what a great problem it must be to be able to get skinny without even knowing it, so I will tell you how I did it.

First of all, as I mentioned earlier, I don’t have a scale. This is a psychological thing, I think. Just remember: a watched pot never boils. If you have a scale, you might try wrapping it up and putting it in the attic or basement or garage, or wherever you put your junk that you might use someday but you don’t want to give away.

Secondly, and this is the most important thing, realize that if you don’t feel comfortable with your weight, this is only a symptom of poor health. It’s more important to fix the underlying health problems than to be concerned with your weight. If you are a healthy individual, your weight will be just right. My weight loss came about as I worked on straightening out some health issues. While I was concerned with eating right in order to find optimal health, I also lost weight in the process. That was just a secondary benefit. I think that a focus on simply losing weight is misguided. When you initiate some sort of drastic weight loss diet that doesn’t take health into account, it’s easy to get discouraged with the results and you just go back to your old way of eating. Which is what got you where you were in the first place. Getting healthy is a long-term choice. It’s not something you do for a while and then stop once you’ve reached your goals. So, first things first: concentrate on good health - eat right, be active, and get plenty of sunshine.

Next, consider taking a few months off from grains: breads, rice, potatoes, oatmeal, other cereals, and sugar. I know this sounds impossible, but that’s what I did and I LIVED to tell about it! Doing this will help reset your metabolism as far as regulating insulin, and it will also help your gut to heal if you have fungal issues (most people do have fungal issues due to the widespread use of antibiotics). This is the part that makes you lose weight. But there is one caveat: don’t skimp on the fat! Coconut oil, butter, olive oil, and the fat from grass-fed animals are the best fats there are. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a low-fat diet is good. Your body needs fat! Enjoy it! A low-carb diet won’t help much without plenty of good fat.

And lastly, remember that changing your habits to encourage good health will not result in a joyless life. I think sometimes we resist change for the better because we think that if we cannot eat Reese cups at least 5 times a week then our life will no longer be worth living. There will be nothing “fun” to look forward to. Let me just say: GET A LIFE! Ha ha. No, but seriously, folks, good health increases your capacity for joy. It increases your ability to fulfill God’s will for your life. And after adjusting your taste buds to healthful foods, you come to understand how delicious these foods are. This is not a concession to say this. I don’t just say it to talk people out of their Coca-cola. Really. Have you ever lost your sweet tooth and then discovered how sweet and delicious fresh home-grown vegetables can be? And as far as treats go: do you know how sweet raw honey is? Dates? Maple syrup?

So, what did I do after I lost all this weight? So glad you asked. I went on a shopping spree. I had to find some clothes that actually fit.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you say shopping spree? What did you buy, and where did you go shopping at? :o)

(I ask all the important questions)

6:45 PM  
Blogger Amey said...

I bought some clothes for chores at the aforementioned TSC (jeans and a pair of shorts) and a TON of stuff at Goodwill. It's surprising what good stuff you can find there. I found a great jumper from the Limited for only a few dollars! I ended up with a whole new wardrobe for just 50 bucks! You have to really hunt for the good stuff at that store, but it's worth it!

7:47 PM  

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