Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

That's My Team

I admit that I am a terrible fan. I haven't watched a full baseball game in years (unless t-ball counts). When I say years, I mean that the number of years is inching very close to being in the double digits, which is also pretty much about how long I have been married now (woohoo! our big 10 year anniversary is coming up soon). I don't know if the two facts are related or not.

But hey! That doesn't matter! I'm still a baseball fan in spirit. So I had to mention here that my absolute favorite team in the world, the New York Mets, is in the playoffs this year, and those playoffs start today. I don't know anything about the team this year. Who's their best pitcher? Don't have a clue. Who's got the most RBI's? Don't ask me! But I could probably tell you practically the entire line-up from their 1986 team. Oh yes, I did read that there are a lot of Hispanic players on the team this year, which I think is great!

So, now you know my baseball background. Don't try to engage in a serious baseball discussion with me about this season's teams because you will only get a blank stare. But I do know that I'm rooting for the best team! I don't think we can get the channels in on our tv to watch any of the games, but I will try to follow the scores on the internet. Go Mets!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see you again, fellow Mets fan.


Names to remember:

Delgado, Reyes, LoDuca, Beltran, and Wright. Just throw those names into conversation, and everyone will think you know what you are talking about!

3:43 PM  
Blogger Amey said...

The problem with that is, I would probably totally mispronounce their names. 'Wright' would be hard to get wrong, right? But is it 'bell-tran'? Or 'bel-trun'? 'rayz' or 'ray-yays'(hispanic pronunciation)? This is why I could still get things wrong. I guess there are disadvantages to getting all your information from the internet. BUT, I do know that they are 2-0 so far in the playoffs. So far so good. (I guess the WINNING part is the main thing) ;-)

4:52 PM  

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