Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Animal News: Do I Hear Wedding Bells?

Yes, folks, it is that time of year - goat breeding season. Our Daisy is not making as much milk as she used to. Goats only breed between August and December each year. We broke down and bought a buck for our girls. So if all goes well, we will have more baby goats next spring. In order to accomplish this, we will be fixing up the "honeymoon suite" out in the pole barn. I'm sure you'd rather not have more information than this, so I'll skip the details.

Our new buck is named "Bill" (*guffaw guffaw*). We were nervous about getting a buck because they are notoriously stinky. This one is smelly enough, but not as bad as we thought. If we could get milk without a buck hanging around we would do it. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

On to other farm news. We also recently had our pole barn extended. It is much bigger now, and we will be able to have several more animal stalls; a place for our chickens to lay eggs and roost; and more room for tractors, tractor implements, and such.

We had 4 pekin ducks which we bought as ducklings in May. 3 males, and 1 female. We were hoping to let the female make a nest next spring and hatch her own ducklings, but she has disappeared. We have little hope that she will be recovered. We have had some ducks take up residence at the neighbor's pond, but I do not think that is the case this time. We suspect she has met up with some sort of hungry varmint.

Our bug population has vastly diminished over the summer as a result of the Mucovy ducks and the guineas. We hope to see a difference next summer too. If you have too many mosquitos, I suggest you try Muscovy ducks. Hopefully we'll have some of our own Muscovy ducklings next spring. Ducks are moderately messy animals, but I gratefully put up with the mess in exchange for mosquito-free summer evening walks.

It's also almost the time of year for our turkey and lamb butchering. We will likely do the turkey ourselves, and send the lamb out. My husband is rather attached to these animals (more than me!), so we shall see how that goes.

Blessings to all of you and your families, and have a beautiful weekend!


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