Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

More About the Weather

If "Accuweather" is accurate, (side note: in our house, when we refer to Accuweather, we put the accent on "Ac-cu" and we give the entire word a rather sarcastic slur) it is supposed to get up to 41 degrees on February 14. "Weather" or not that means anything to you, I don't know, but there is hope, somewhere, somehow, that the temperatures will one day again rise above freezing. And isn't it consoling that we have more sunlight now and the sun is coming down from a higher angle than it was a month ago? OK, maybe not. Sorry I mentioned it.

I was talking with an Amish woman yesterday. No matter what you say, you cannot get the Amish to complain about anything, much less stuff like the weather. I mentioned how cold it was and how I was more of a "warm weather" person myself. She said something like how we can all be grateful that we have a nice warm house to be in when it gets this cold outside. Wow, didn't I feel like a heel.

Yes, I am grateful and blessed to live in a nice warm house. But...YOWZA, I still hate this cold.



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