Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Time: It's All Relative

As you may or may not know, if you look on a map, you will find a dotted line around our 7 acres of property denoting that our family lives in a different time zone. We actually operate on the same schedule as people who live 2-3 time zones west of us. And here we are at the end of March, with the big TIME CHANGE looming up before us. That means that without doing anything to change our schedule, after the time change we will be waking up around 10:30 am. Our littlest one will be waking up around noon, and napping from 5:30-7:30 or 8:00 pm. We will eat dinner around 8:00 pm, and I won't be asleep until 2 am or so. If our previous "schedule" was crazy, this would be bordering on the ABSURD. So I'm TRYING this week to adjust to an earlier schedule by about 15 minutes each day. It is my hope that we will make it to church on Sunday before the sermon ends.


Blogger Bill's Blog said...

"It is my hope that we will make it to church on Sunday before the sermon ends." Going to try something different,eh? Just kidding, of course. I had to find some way to impress everyone with my newfound "copy/paste" computer skill.

11:28 AM  

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