Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Laundry Reform

My previous "laundry theory" was that if I did one or two loads a weekday of laundry, I wouldn't have too much laundry to do on any one day, and that it would spread the work out and make it not seem like it's as much to do.

However, it has become obvious recently that this is not working out very well, as I feel like I am CONSTANTLY doing laundry. So I am switching to a laundry day scheduled approximately every 4 days. I'm hoping to stretch that 4 days out so that eventually it's only once a week. But right now I do about 3-4 loads every 4 days, and it's much better!

For one thing, it saves time putting clothes away, because I only have to do it once in while instead of every day. Also, most times the clothes DIDN'T get put away every day, so they stayed for a while on the countertop where I stack clothes as I fold them. It just added to the "clutter decor". Also, I read in a penny-pincher (Miserly Moms, maybe?) book that you can save a few pennies a load (if you use a dryer, which I do - I know true penny-pinchers would never use a dryer, even in winter) by changing dryer loads immediately after each one is done, because then the dryer keeps a little bit of the heat. I know this is splitting hairs, but hey! Even a few pennies a load could add up over a few years!

But the most important part is that I get 3 blissful days at a time of laundry-free existence! Ah, simple pleasures... ;-)


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