Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Rough Goat Week

It's been a rough week so far out in the barn. Rose (one of our younger does) had her babies early Monday morning in a very difficult delivery. When I went out to the barn in the morning, one of the babies (female) had already been born and was dry. There was another baby that was not in the proper position to be born, and it had died before we could help it out (male). Somehow in the process, Rose hurt one of her legs and was not even able to attempt standing for almost two days. Now she is standing from time to time, but is unable to put any weight on the injured foot. I put a washcloth in some strong hot comfrey tea and then wrapped the cloth around the joint for a while, and then I wrapped it up in an athletic-type bandage. We are not interested in racking up a huge vet bill, so I will try to treat it as naturally as possible here, and hopefully it will heal up after a week or so. If anyone has any advice for me, feel free to leave a comment.

All of that work with Rose and her baby has left me sore and bruised. Once when I was helping the kid find some milk (which I need to do every few hours), I moved Rose the wrong way and she flung her head up and hit me in the side of the head around my eyebrow. It still hurts. Fortunately, I don't have a black eye. Or perhaps, unfortunately I don't have a black eye. Think of all the fun stories I could tell explaining how I got it, because of course, people would ask. I mean, if it hurts anyway, why not have the trophy to go along with it?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering how everything was going for you guys. I'm really sorry about the rough week so far, I hope things improve. I'm sorry I don't have any specific advice, though. We'll be thinking about you guys <3

8:47 PM  
Blogger Amey said...

Thanks, Julie. I appreciate you thinking about us. I think Rose will be okay, she just needs some time to heal.

9:34 PM  

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