Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Family Update

We're now a quarter of the way through first grade. I must say, I am learning a lot. Much more than my son. I had never heard of Mohenjo-Daro before, and now I know how to build a Mohenjo-Daro dwelling out of air-drying modeling clay.

My husband has been figuring out ways of trapping the varmint that has been "eliminating" our 2-1/2 month old chicks. He thinks it's a weasel. That makes sense because there is no way a cat or raccoon could fit through such a small opening. We're also wondering if the same weasel is stealing our eggs. We just thought our chickens were moulting (they don't lay eggs when they moult), but we're not sure about that.

My book of the week: Robinson Crusoe. Wow! I'd never read it before. It was fun and exciting reading. I think the one I read was "thoughtfully abridged". It seemed to be a very high-quality editing job. Usually it's best to steer clear of books that have been abridged. I think this one was fine.

We're all excited about the Thanksgiving holiday coming up next week. We'll be dining at my sister's house. My boys have been decorating little "Happy Thanksgiving" stickers for everyone in the family. We'll see if they remember to bring them. I'm sure I won't. :-)


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