Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

And Here's What I Think

Here's a good article by Jennifer Roback Morse. She writes about the way the left is trying to obliterate the differences between the sexes. She keeps the tone strictly "secular", which begs the question "WHAT'S THE POINT?" I would have added the tons of scripture that backs up THE POINT: that God made men and women different for His own pleasure and glory. Since we are made in His image, it is in a sense our own pleasure and glory, too, right? It is sad to see it turned upside-down by the world - into something "socially constructed" and detrimental.

Here's another article worth discussing: One in 10 pre-schoolers may be suffering mental illness. I think there are many contributing factors to this problem. Here's one (don't boo and hiss me, please): diet. Both before birth (the mother's diet), and after.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you know how to get me going... about good sleep habits and firm discipline when needed at 2 and 3
Depression "sad and irritable"...what 2 yr old isn't sad or irritable when told no, left at day care for long stretches, from a broken home, etc.
Negative play themes...TV, video
Disturbed naps, no bedtime, violent tv
Decreased appetite...too much juice and snacks
Opposisional defiant...all of the above, wonder what parents did with those kids 100 yrs ago???
Fight and lie...sin
Separational anxiety...if you aren't sure where you are going next wouldn't you be anxious?

2:24 PM  
Blogger Amey said...

Yes, there are many many factors involved. Unfortunately, I think people tend to believe that medication and government involvement will help matters. I'm grateful for all those who minister to such families in the name of Jesus.

10:18 PM  

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