Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

More Nutrition Stuff (You Can Skip This Post If You Think I'm a Health Nut)

I've been reading a lot of health/nutrition-related information lately. It's strange how I find all of that stuff so interesting now, whereas just a few years ago it would have bored me to tears. My recent fascination has concerned meat produced by grass-fed animals. It's much healthier for you. Part of it has to do with the ratio between the omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. The ratio for the average American's diet is something like 20:1, when it should be closer to 3:1 or even 1:1 for optimal health. One way to change the ratio is by eating grass fed beef and chicken. I've never eaten either before (I don't think), but I've read that they do taste a little different.

There are also high omega 3's in grass-fed chicken EGGS, which we do eat (I'm eating some now as I type!). They are great! The yolk is much darker, and you can tell a slight taste difference, but it's not a bad difference.

Unfortunately, getting grass-fed meat can be pretty expensive. Right now we get our chicken from an Amish family a couple of times a year and keep them in our freezer. That chicken is much better than store-bought chicken, but I think they still feed them mainly grains (cracked corn, probably). We buy our beef from a local farm family (living in the country has its advantages;-), but it is also not grazed. I think they use hay (which is good), but also feed from a feed store. Even dairy products are supposed to be better for you if the cows are grass-fed.

We're thinking about maybe someday growing our own beef and meat chickens. The hard part would be converting the animals from pasture to freezer. haha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi A- this is Lynette...
this could be bad for my health!!!or time use....
I also am learning about omega oils and have started a strength program/diet thing that incorporates flax oil into your diet daily for increased omega 3s and increased feeling of "fullness". Only 5 days so far but I feel "taller" (stretching too) and do not have the craving I did before. Book is "8 Minutes in the Morning" by Jorge Cruise. He makes reference to "My Creator" and I read about it in something about homeschooling stuff. Time is up...2 out of 5 up.

7:12 AM  

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