Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Family Update: What We're Up To

Me: I am either having allergy problems (tree pollen, I guess) or I've got one whopper of a cold. Maybe...both. Didn't get much sleep last night. Also, I'm starting to think about Son #1's birthday party, which is coming up soon (he's turning 6!). Reading: Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style, by the Bluedorns. Just finished sewing an apron.

Husband: He's just as miserable as I am. Also didn't sleep well. So he went in to work extra early. He says if he's going to be miserable he might as well be getting paid for it. He's also in an extremely busy time with his work. Not getting much time off. The time he does get off, he's outside doing yardwork and planting trees.

Son #1: Eating like a horse. I gave him almost as much chicken stir-fry last night as I ate, and he was still bugging me after dinner for more food. Wants a SPACE birthday party.

Son #2: My own personal question-asker. Especially with dates and time. He always wants to know what day it is, and when is Grandpa's birthday, etc. (and I MEAN ETC.) Also learning how not to yell and scream in the house.

Daughter: Still specializing in preciousness and cuddling. She always wants to go outside and complains when she has to come in. She chimes in on key syllables when the rest of us sing the books of the Bible (she really nails the "-chi" in 'Malachi'). Getting ever closer to turning 2.


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