Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Monday, February 14, 2005


I have to confess that yes, I am again in a state of sugar dependency. I did great in the months of October and November. But when December came, I slid into sugar addiction. I know this because if I don't eat at least a little bit of sugar each day, I get a massive headache. So I feel the headache coming, and I pull out the chocolate chips. More often, though, I don't even wait for the headache. Isn't it better to be proactive?

Just like with any other drug, the most difficult part of breaking a sugar addiction is the first two weeks. Once you've gone two weeks without sugar, you're home free. It's not so difficult to turn it down. So what I have to do is gradually wean myself from the sugar. Go cold turkey, and there's that headache. That's why it's so hard at first. You have to determine to limit sugar-intake to a little less each day than what you had the day before.

I promise I will TRY to wean myself soon. By the way, happy Valentine's Day. I think my husband bought me a box of chocolates...


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