Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Article #3

FDA is failing pill-popping Americans

Just a reminder for everyone to take care when taking any kind of medication, prescription or not. Make sure that the side effects are not worse than your original malady! Sometimes they are! Even some over-the-counter medications are coming under scrutiny, like naproxen and ibuprofen. I'm not sure I entirely trust the whole FDA approval process, and the ways drug companies do business. I don't think I know the whole story, and I know there are drugs that have saved a lot of people, but I think it pays to research well what you take and be wary. This has been a public service announcement by Amey. :-)


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