Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

On Spring

It's great to have the windows open again! Just think, it's a good seven months until the weather turns terrible again. The cold and flu season is waning (I can't say it's over, because that would be the exact moment we'd be socked with something mean and viral). Spring! The great season of hope!

We heard birds singing yesterday, and my four-year-old son said, "That sounds like a red-winged blackbird." And more amazingly, HE WAS RIGHT! The points for that bit of knowledge go to a book called Bird Calls, published by Innovative Kids. It's one of those books I ordered for Christmas a few years ago thinking that it was quite possibly too expensive a book to be buying for a four-year-old (our oldest was four then). So I don't let them look at it without supervision, but I think that adds to the excitement of it.

I worked hard all last week to set our schedule ahead one hour so that the time change wouldn't send us into a tumult. Well, we did ok, but now after all that work we're back to the same LATE routine we had before. But on the bright side, we were able to spend an hour-and-a-half outside last night after dinner. The boys worked on transplanting a couple of trees, and the girls followed the chickens around and generally enjoyed the fresh air. When it got too dark to do much of anything, we all walked to the eastern edge of the pond and watched the reflection of twilight in the water and saw the stars come out. Right now, I'm feeling that life is great. :-)


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