Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Signs of Spring

The forecast still calls for COLD weather ahead, but I was in the yard this morning and noticed that I have bulbs sprouting in the flowerbed. Strangely, I didn't see the crocuses up, just the daffodils, and I think a few tulips even. Usually we get the crocuses first, then the daffodils, then the tulips a bit later.

The chicks and ducklings are in at the local farm supply store, and we are thinking of getting a few more. Last spring was our first attempt at raising chickens and ducks. We still don't know much about it (we're just "winging" it, actually - haarrr!); but after starting out with 6 birds, one year later we still have 4. I'd say that's pretty good for beginners. I suppose we've adopted a learn-as-you-go philosophy by default. We haven't worked hard on research about raising the birds, but have just naturally learned a little along the way (that's still not very much).

Grandma is itching to get out and plant her peas. What's taking so long, Grandma?!? Snow hasn't stopped you before! Go for it! :-) I'd like to have some peas myself. There's nothing like peas fresh out of the garden. Canned peas are blech, frozen peas are tolerable, and garden-fresh peas are heavenly. I tried planting them last year, but they just didn't grow very well.

Well, I have March 20 marked on my calender, and it can't come too soon for me! Please, Lord, no April snowstorms this year???


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