Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

12 Ways to Make a Mess with Watermelon

Watermelon is such a versatile food. There is virtually no end to the number of ways you can make a mess with it. Here are a few from our family (not an exhaustive list, I'm sure):
  1. Cut it up on any surface
  2. Eat it over a plate
  3. Eat it over a table
  4. Eat it over the floor
  5. Squeeze the melon over your cup to make watermelon juice
  6. Save the seeds, wash them in the bathroom sink, and leave them out to dry on the bathroom counter
  7. Touch something after eating watermelon before washing your hands
  8. Put your coloring paper on the table after eating watermelon but before the table has been wiped
  9. Feed your chickens watermelon rinds (at least this is an outside mess)
  10. Put your just-bought/picked melon on the counter or table before washing it (how clean is that dirt?)
  11. Drop your seeds (accidentally, of course) on the floor
  12. Miss the trash can

I love the summer, but I think that once fall gets here, things will not be nearly so...sticky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does it seem this article fits in perfectly with your previous one of "Something Unusual at our House?"

4:52 PM  

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