Amey's Blog

I planned for this to be about homemaking and homeschooling, but now it's just a chaotic jumble of news and ideas about animals, kids, food, and other random thoughts.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Calf Watch

I am beginning to get a little concerned. Ruby has not calved yet, but I am sure she is in labor. It seems to be off and on, though. I considered doing a "live blog" event for this, but then, I don't have a laptop to take out in the barn with me, so...there goes that brilliant idea. I am just praying we don't have to call a vet. Maybe it is just one of those "false labor" things. You know, like in humans, when a woman fakes labor just to get attention. It's not really time yet, but it sure is fun to watch people's reactions when they DO think it is time! Maybe Ruby's just thinking to herself, heh heh, I'm going to get that human that takes care of me to come out and check on me every hour and only sleep 3 hours a night because she thinks a calf will be here any moment. Then when she's so exhausted she just can't stand it any more and goes to bed at night for a good 8 hours, then I'll REALLY go into labor.

Well folks, we have about hit that point, so look for Ruby's calf to arrive during the night tonight while I'm dead to the world.

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